"ICT명품인재양성사업단 해외학자 특강: 프랑스 Telecom Paris (엄기원 교수)" 

- 시간 :

   [1강] 8월 16일(수) 오후 3~6시

   [2강] 8월 17일(목) 오후 3~6시 

- 장소 : 우정정보관 206호

- 강의제목: Fluid Simulations for Computer Graphics

- 강의요약:
  This lecture will introduce fluid simulation methods for computer graphics. This will cover the basic    
  understanding of the fluid flow model represented as partial differential equations called Navier-Stokes 
  equations. Typical numerical methods mainly adopting the Eulerian scheme and semi-Lagrangian 
  technique will be discussed. Additionally, a set of advanced methods, such as the fluid implicit method 
  and ghost fluid method, will be discussed.

- 약력:
10/2019–present: Assistant Professor (Maı̂tre de Conférences in French), Telecom Paris

07/2015–09/2019: Postdoc, Technical University of Munich

03/2014–06/2015: Research Professor, Korea University

2008–2014: Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University

2006–2008: M.Sc. in Computer Science, Korea University

2002–2006: B.Eng. (with great honor) in Computer Science and Engineering, Korea University 

문의: ICT명품인재양성사업단 윤수정 (02-3290-4491)